
data class EkoStreamDto(val streamId: String, val moderationId: String? = null, val title: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val metadata: JsonObject? = null, val isReconnecting: Boolean = false, val thumbnailFileId: String? = null, val userId: String? = null, val status: String? = null, val watcherData: JsonObject? = null, val broadcasterData: JsonObject? = null, val recordings: JsonArray? = null, val resolution: String? = null, val isDeleted: Boolean = false) : EkoObjectDto


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constructor(streamId: String, moderationId: String? = null, title: String? = null, description: String? = null, metadata: JsonObject? = null, isReconnecting: Boolean = false, thumbnailFileId: String? = null, userId: String? = null, status: String? = null, watcherData: JsonObject? = null, broadcasterData: JsonObject? = null, recordings: JsonArray? = null, resolution: String? = null, isDeleted: Boolean = false)


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@SerializedName(value = "streamerUrl")
val broadcasterData: JsonObject? = null
Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "createdAt")
val createdAt: DateTime
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@SerializedName(value = "description")
val description: String? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "isDeleted")
val isDeleted: Boolean = false
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@SerializedName(value = "isReconnecting")
val isReconnecting: Boolean = false
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@SerializedName(value = "metadata")
val metadata: JsonObject? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "moderationId")
val moderationId: String? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "recordings")
val recordings: JsonArray? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "resolution")
val resolution: String? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "status")
val status: String? = null
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@SerializedName(value = "streamId")
val streamId: String
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@SerializedName(value = "thumbnailFileId")
val thumbnailFileId: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "title")
val title: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "updatedAt")
val updatedAt: DateTime
Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "userId")
val userId: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
@SerializedName(value = "watcherUrl")
val watcherData: JsonObject? = null