
data class StoryDto(val storyId: String?, val referenceId: String?, val path: String?, val creatorId: String?, val creatorPublicId: String?, val targetId: String?, val targetPublicId: String?, val targetType: String?, val dataType: String?, val data: JsonObject?, val metadata: JsonObject?, val items: JsonArray?, val flagCount: Int?, val commentsCount: Int?, val reactionsCount: Int?, val isDeleted: Boolean?, val myReactions: List<String>?, val reactions: AmityReactionMap?, val impression: Int?, val reach: Int?, val expiresAt: DateTime?) : EkoObjectDto


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constructor(storyId: String?, referenceId: String?, path: String?, creatorId: String?, creatorPublicId: String?, targetId: String?, targetPublicId: String?, targetType: String?, dataType: String?, data: JsonObject?, metadata: JsonObject?, items: JsonArray?, flagCount: Int?, commentsCount: Int?, reactionsCount: Int?, isDeleted: Boolean?, myReactions: List<String>?, reactions: AmityReactionMap?, impression: Int?, reach: Int?, expiresAt: DateTime?)


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@SerializedName(value = "createdAt")
val createdAt: DateTime
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val data: JsonObject?
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val expiresAt: DateTime?
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val items: JsonArray?
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val metadata: JsonObject?
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val path: String?
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val reach: Int?
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@SerializedName(value = "updatedAt")
val updatedAt: DateTime