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Initiates a function chain to create a community.

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fun deleteCommunity(communityId: String): Completable

deletes a community

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Initiates a function chain to edit a community.

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Initiates a function chain to query for categories.

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fun getCategory(categoryId: String): Flowable<AmityCommunityCategory>

Gets a LiveObject of category

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Initiates a function chain to query for communities.

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fun getCommunity(communityId: String): Flowable<AmityCommunity>

Gets a LiveObject of community

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Queries for recommended communities.

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Queries for trending communities.

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fun joinCommunity(communityId: String): Completable

joins a community

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fun leaveCommunity(communityId: String): Completable

leaves a community

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Instantiates AmityCommunityParticipation.

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Instantiates AmityCommunityModeration.

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Initiates a function chain to update a community.