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Initiates a function chain to create a comment.

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Initiates a function chain to edit a comment.

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fun flagComment(commentId: String): Completable

flags a comment

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fun getComment(commentId: String): Flowable<AmityComment>

Gets a LiveObject of comment

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fun getCommentByIds(commentIds: Set<String>): Flowable<List<AmityComment>>

Gets a LiveCollection of comments

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Initiates a function chain to query for comments.

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Initiates a function chain to query for latest comments.

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fun hardDeleteComment(commentId: String): Completable

hard deletes a comment

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fun isCommentFlaggedByMe(commentId: String): Single<Boolean>
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fun softDeleteComment(commentId: String): Completable

soft deletes a comment

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fun unflagComment(commentId: String): Completable

unflags a comment

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Initiates a function chain to update a comment.